Sunny summertime is here and we love to be outdoors having fun! Frequently I have Clients ask me questions about the potential risk with sun exposure.
Is the sun as dangerous as we are led to believe? Should we avoid exposure to the sun completely? Should we cover up our entire body while at the beach? The answer to all of these questions is everything in moderation. There are ways to prevent harmful rays yet benefit from the sun’s natural vitamins.
The sun is not our enemy but rather a source of positive energy helping us heal and avoid disease. The sun helps our brain release neurotoxins that build from PTSD, addiction, anxiety and depression. Everyone should be outside in the morning sunshine 20 to 30 minutes between the hours of 6 am and 8 am. This time of day is when our body has healed from a full nights rest and now needs supplements to nourish it. Sunshine is indeed a nourishment that helps us live a healthy lifestyle feeling better mentally and physically. Our body craves Vitamin D and the best way to give our body this necessary supplement is from the morning sunshine.
When going to the beach, an umbrella and maybe a light coverup is good. The best all organic 💯 natural SPF is one made with “hand infused oils”that will protect your skin from burning while providing nutrients giving you lush plump healthy skin toxin free.
The fraudulent pharmaceutical companies want us to believe that sunblock with a man made SPF is necessary to prevent cancer and is good for us. Man made sunblock contains high levels of poisonous SPF and carcinogens that are absorbed by our largest organ in our body which is our integumentary system (our skin). Once these harsh chemicals are absorbed through the skin, they travel throughout our body quickly exposing us to potential disease. Overall, this is a much greater risk than potential sun exposure.
Rarely if ever do we hear about “hand infused oils” having a positive affect on our skin. With the right combination of blended oils you can protect your skin, build collagen, and reduce rosacea all day everyday with just a few simple steps.
The most important step is a twice-daily application of a reputable blended oil formula. I recommend choosing one that has been beta tested for at least 6 months with positive outcomes and reviews that can be verified.