Before the 1950s, the Hawaiian Islands used coconut for many daily uses such as a source of healthy food, cooking oil, skin and hair moisturizer, dental rinse, healing wounds, and many more applications.
Coconut was a main staple in their homes and daily lives. Even though Hawaiians back then lived, worked, and enjoyed their lives outsides being exposed to the sun, there was a low (if any) percentage of skin cancer or other types of cancers or diseases reported.
In the early 1950s, the Federal Government started to encourage the use of margarine as an alternative for cooking and along with other processed oils. Our military presence in the Hawaiian Islands was the reason for the increased production of processed oils and the use of margarine.
Hawaiian natives began replacing the natural organic coconut and coconut oil which was a part of their daily lives with processed oils such as margarine. Households were encouraged to replace organic coconut and butter with margarine.
A few years passed and the Hawaiian natives used less coconut and more artificial processed oils. Hawaiian natives began to develop forms of Cancer.
The natives went from a zero percentage of cancer to a noticeable incline. The natives changed their organic healthy lifestyle to using processed oils and the outcomes were negative. Also, the natives experienced an increase in weight gain, which increased heart disease.
The benefits of ingesting Coconut and using Coconut Oil are immense. Coconut has superior anti-carcinogenic attributes that can help keep us healthy preventing disease. Coconut helps keep our hearts and skin healthy. It’s best to buy a fresh coconut and create coconut oil and paste using a food processor.
Coconut oil usage again is on the rise all over the world; however, remember it’s still processed into jars. Avoid processed coconut oil. The best kind of coconut is hand infused and unrefined from the coconut nut.