Nobody asked me but …
With this week having been the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks I find it absolutely unacceptable that President Joe Biden became the first US President since the attacks to not visit New York City or the other attacked sites on the anniversary.
Think about that for a moment. How can a U.S. President not pay tribute to the heroes and the innocent lives lost in the worst terrorist attack in American history? And how can the media not be outraged? The mainstream media has been relatively silent over his choice to be absent. Silent. Why? Now, just imagine if Trump had done the same when he was in office. The media would have crucified him. And they would have been right in doing so. Think also about the message this is sending to our younger population who are growing up and developing their personal values and views about America.

… But then this happened. In a speech to service members and first responders in Alaska on September 11, 2023 President Biden falsely claimed that he was at Ground Zero the day after the Twin Towers fell. It’s not true. He wasn’t there. And as much as I criticize the mainstream media, I need to give credit when credit is due. Hat tip to CNN (and others) for publishing a fact check on the President’s false claim.
… A moment ago I said I had to give credit to the media when the credit is due. Now it’s time to criticize them. Several months ago a local YMCA here in San Diego allowed a transgender 50-something-year-old biological male to use the women’s locker room. Unfortunately, a 17-year-old teenage girl was stepping out of the shower when she could not believe her eyes. Shocked, she quickly dressed and reported what she saw to the front desk. The teenage girl was then told she needed to be ‘more open-minded’.
The story was properly covered by the New York Post and Fox News but was mostly swept under the rug as a non-event- or a sexist event- by the mainstream media. I didn’t realize this at first as I assumed it was trending nationally after I saw Fox News and the NY Post report on it. Afterall, it involved the YMCA, a 17 year old girl and a transgender adult biological male. That’s a story.
But when I began to share this story with liberal parent friends of mine here in San Diego I discovered most of them were not aware of the story- but were quite disturbed when they learned of it- while conservative parent friends of mine were well aware of the incident. Then when I researched it, I discovered it went largely uncovered by the national mainstream media. In fact, the local NBC San Diego news site reported that the story had been covered nationally by- quote- “right wing news”.
I find this story as a reflection of the sad, dismal state of our mainstream media today. Depending upon one’s personal views on life and political views determines if and how a news story gets reported. Sad. But it is important to be aware.
Final thought on this story. It is no wonder that a recent Gallup Poll shows that Americans’ trust in media dips to second lowest on record” with only “36% in the U.S. having a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust in mass media”.
Last final thought. I have no problem with transgender people and believe they deserve rights and respect just as any human being does. BUT, do not force them into the lives of children. Or women’s sports. Common sense.
… So who is going to win the 2024 presidential election? I will take a closer look at this in an upcoming article but let me say that historically the U.S. stock market- the S&P 500 in this case- has a tremendously successful track record at predicting who will win-incumbent or challenger- in presidential elections. Keep an eye on the performance of the S&P 500 during years 3 and 4 of the presidential cycle. As I say, I’ll have more on this in an upcoming article.
That’s it for now.